Welcome, once again, to another exciting week of ENTM’s Runway Cycle. This week we asked our models to travel through the looking glass, show us their true colours, and then pull a switch. Reverse it, bamboozle us, indulge in what isn’t for a change. Our models are complete fakeovers this week, showing us that inner beauty can only go so far, that sometimes you just need to show off someone else. In ENTM tradition they’ve undergone the Crystal Makeover, where we ask our models to do two things: incorporate the lesser-used makeover style, the stripe across the eyes, and show us what they’d look like as their opposite. It’s a wild mirror world this week, folks, so look, and look again, because things are not always what they seem.
Now then, who turned you upside down, spun you round and round? Let us know which of these impostors you enjoyed the most by voting! And may the best model… win!