Yo, yo, yo, it’s time to announce the winner of Week Six: Rainbow Connection! Congratulations…
Yomu Kazul!

You dove deep into your vivid imagination for this under the sea rainbow fantasy, Yomu, and it has us holding our breath. Your outfit flows together beautifully, each colour meshing with one another flawlessly. A truly tropical take on this week’s challenge, bravo! Yomu, you may have finally answered why there are so many songs about rainbows, but above all else you proved to the lovers, the dreamers, and especially yourself how to find the rainbow connection. Simply brilliant.
Now then, my prismatic participants, though your time to shine and show your true colours has come and gone, you are all winners here. You have all done well in creating lovely outfits this competition, and I sincerely have enjoyed the journey as much as you all have. But, only one of you has found your pot of gold at the end. Stay tuned as we crown the winner!
Now then, let the music play!