Another week has come and the judges have deliberated (with themselves, because they don’t discuss their opinions before casting their votes) and we have a winner!
Pulling at the judges hearts this week was the beautiful autumnal view from the river flowing through North Shroud. Was once again Hela Frosty!
Hela, the judges loved your use of bold and bright colors, the contrast throughout the image, and the movement you managed to capture in this still image! Your image was well composed and reminded everyone of that wonderful trip over the river, and through the woods!
Come back next week when our photographers wow us with another round of beautiful images to swoon for!
Think you are able to wow the crowd with your screenies? Then come join the fun!
This week our Photographers were asked to go out into the wilds and take an screenshot of the most breathtaking river they can find.
Unfortunately, Crystalita needed to take off her photographer hat and put on her amazing family hat! We at ENTM wish Crystalita the best time spent with her family and hope forever that she always knows that family and IRL ALLLWWWAYYYYSSS come first!
Here are this week’s images!
By the Velodyna
Earthly Stars
Over the River and Through the Woods
Sweet Dreams
The Judges have until Tuesday 10pm to gimmie gimmie gimmie their votes and write up critiques for the photographers! Check Back Wednesday for the WINNER!!!
Join ENTM! We have cookies!
It’s the final Saturday in June which means it’s time for the results of the June Challenge ! Our theme was A Fistful of Western with our models being asked to give us their best spaghetti western shots to kick off the summer.
We had five wonderful submissions but the winner this month by a landslide was Elessia!
Congratulations, and stay tuned for the July challenge, which will be posted shortly!
Judges votes are in and we have a winner for Week One!
Congrats to…
“A Journey Begins with a Step” – Hela Frosty
Hela, your image was loved by the judges and received high praise. The judges believed your image was most reminiscent of Ansel Adams with the darks and lights throughout, and a clear focus on the trail ahead. Your image was stunning and invited the viewer along on your journey!
Now off with you! Snap some more beautiful images for next week’s theme!
Come back Saturday 10pm for next week’s images!
As always! We want YOU to join ENTM for fun and excitement! Find us at
Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer – and often the supreme disappointment. – Ansel Adams
Ansel Easton Adams was an American landscape photographer and environmentalist known for his black-and-white images of the American West. He helped found Group f/64, an association of photographers advocating “pure” photography which favored sharp focus and the use of the full tonal range of a photograph.
Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite Valley, California, ca. 1937
This week, our photographers were asked to use Ansel Adams as an inspiration and wow us with their best Black-and-white images.
The Judges will have time to deliberate their votes and results for Round One will be live Wednesday by 12pm.
Temple Heights
A Journey Begins with a Step
The Forgotten Spring
The Broken View
The Bright Cliffs
Silent Sentinel
As always… If you want to join ENTM and all the amazing fun, join us on Discord!
Meowdy Purrdner! (Rymm made me say that.) It’s time to vote for the winner of the June Challenge! We had five entries this month on the theme of A Fistful of Western.
Please review the images below, and then vote for your favorite in the Google poll! (Click on the image to make it larger.)
Voting will close on Friday the 26th at 11:59 PM EDT, and the winner will be announced on June 27th.
Aelyria and Forthyn
If you are having difficulty seeing the Google Poll or voting on our website, please click on this link to view it in a browser:
“Judging you is what we do!” – Scenic Cycle Judges to the Scenic Cycle Photographers, probably.
ENTM is pleased to welcome to the Judging table the Official Judging panel for Scenic Cycle v. 2.0!
Katarh Mest Katarh Mest has been a frequent judge, competitor, and host for ENTM since 2015. She finally won her S-Rank title with Runway Cycle in 2019. She is currently the webmaster of and primary host of ENTM Classic Cycle. You can find her afk on Lamia server most days. She’s an avid weapon collector and aspires to have all of the base relics done by the end of 2020. Outside of FFXIV, she’s a business analyst and surprisingly a huge college football fan.
Rymmrael Bhaldraelwyn- Rymmrael Bhaldraelwyn-An avid and longtime supporter of ENTM, Rymm is a double runner-up in Classic Cycles 10 and 12, a judge for the first ever Runway Cycle, and a member of ENTM’s promotional team. Any of her spare time not whiled away in gpose is spent writing for Aetherflow Media and weeping over the small size of her glamour closet.
Aeylria Windrunner Aeylria Windrunner is fresh off a judging stint with Classic Cycle 12, and her first turn as a model in Fresh Faces Cycle where she placed 2nd. In real life she has a foundation in photography and design, which she honed throughout college in high school. She loves bold colors (especially pink!), kpop, and doggos of all kinds.
Elessia Sedai Elessia Sedai is the founder of Fat Cat Chronicles. Ele has been a guest judge in previous cycles of ENTM and recently competed in cycle 12. A Gpose addict herself with a background in photography, she will use her discerning eye to hopefully transform these already talented photographers into screenshot artists.
Special thank you to you for agreeing to judge this cycle and keep me sane! You’re the Best!
Love, Ona
Interested in joining the fun and honing your Screen Shot skills? Then join us on Discord!
Scenic Cycle Auditions officially closed on 6/13/2020 at 10pm EST! The deadline was pushed back as things in the world were tense and as always real life comes first! This extension allowed three more entries to find their way to Ona’s DM’s and her heart!
Ona is very excited to welcome six photographers to the cycle! Photographers were asked to submit three images for consideration…
Seaside Weird Weather Zoneline
…and boy did they not disappoint!
Please join the ENTM family with welcoming the following models to the 2nd Scenic Cycle!
Khloe Jaab from Louisoix
Crystalita Miah from Moogle
Zukira Phaera from Odin
Hela Frosty from Siren
Amalie Greene from Goblin
Forthyn S’yel from Adamantoise
Next week marks the official start of Scenic Cycle 2! Check back for some amazing shots!
Interested in competing in a cycle? Learning new gpose tips and tricks? or just joining an ever growing group of screenie junkies (hahah that was a bad joke…)?
Hi folks! The theme for the June challenge is going to be A Fistful of Western – time to find a horse, grab your cowboy hat, and drop your character into the middle of a spaghetti western at high noon!
Entries for this contest will be open until June 19th at 11:59 PM EST. To enter, >>>join our Discord channel<<< (if you haven’t already) and send a direct message to admin Katarh Mest with your screenshot. As always, the winner of the contest will be decided by community votes, and will get to pick the next theme and win a minion from the Mogstation.
Entries for this contest are open to all glamour community members. You do not have to have been a previous contestant for any ENTM contest to participate.Reshade, mods, or post process edits are not permitted for ENTM contests. Gpose and any in-game tools or items are strongly encouraged! Please make sure your entry contains the FFXIV copyright notice on it, so that we can legally post it to our website.
Reminder about Scenic Cycle 2: Entries for Scenic Cycle 2 are still open! Please see this post from host Ona. The deadline to enter Scenic Cycle is currently June 6th.