Sorry for the delays in getting this up – I’ve been dealing with computer upgrades all weekend (and my woes still aren’t done since I now broke my sound to FFXIV. ugh.)
For the June challenge, we have a big prize so we put up a big challenge to match! The name of the challenge is Summer Blockbuster and our contestants were asked to pair a shot from a movie with a quote from the same movie.
Here are the entries! Please view each of them and then use the Google Poll at the bottom to vote for your favorite. Click in the middle of an image to make it larger, then use your browser’s back button to return to this page.
Voting will be open until 11:59 PM EDT on Friday, July 2nd!
Damien Montclair – “I Am Iron Man”
Khloe Jaab – “Out Here Everything Hurts”
Hilda Garde – “Come What May I Know The Way”
Teomaru Nijima – “Come With Me If You Want To Live”
Killia Verenelle – “Second Star to the Right and Straight On Til Morning”
If you are having issues voting using the poll embedded above, please click on this link to open the poll in its own browser tab:
Fresh Faces 2 has come to a close and our weekly winners have been able to stun our judges with their amazing shots.
Though we lost Portia to IRL needs partway through, we kept 9 amazing models right through the final!
I kept reminding the models that we have had models who never win a round take the whole competition, and this I think helped the models keep focused on their weekly challenges. We had six weeks with unique challenges presented to the models, and six weeks of shots highlighting the unique personalities of the models.
The winners each week were as follows:
Baby You Were Born This Way – Amalie Greene
It’s Gonna Be May – Damien Montclair
You Had One Job – Killia Venerelle
In the Arms of the Angel – Zathena Astreus
9 to 5 – Daiyu Elani
Never Gonna Give You Up – Killia Venerelle
Week 1 – Amalie
Week 2 – Damien
Week 3 – Killia
Week 4 – Zathena
Week 5 – Daiyu
Week 6 – Killia
So now it is time to officially crown the winner of the 2nd installment of Fresh Faces 2 – 2021 Edition.
Now where did I put the crown… Looks around for the crown… Here it is!
With placement in the top three five out of six weeks, and a first place win, this model proved that she has what it takes to wear this badge of honor, the elusive S-Rank tag, the most coveted golden name in all of Eorzea’s Neo Talent Management Discord.
Please make way for the new S-Rank Model….
Amalie Greene!
A special shout out to my judges:
Kat, Escher, Yomu, and Forth…
And an extra special shout out to my co-mentor Elessia for being the one person I could squee about shots to …
Now come join us over at ENTM’s Discord for the next cycle! I forget what it is, but it’s probably Ni’ko’s turn to host.
Holy Moly! What a competition! I am usually trusted to complete the scenic cycle because I can be super creative with the themes, so when Kat and Kai gave me the go-ahead to host Fresh Faces 2—- well, I got a little excited! But my amazing models worked with me and produced some fantastic images which frequently caused my judges to go “ugh Ona, they all did so well!”.
But with all competitions a winner was announced each week.
And like all other weeks, this week a model danced her way to a win, and with that epic studio setup, well it’s no wonder she was let into the weekly winner’s circle for a second time this competition!
So without further delay, CONGRATULATIONS to
I don’t really have words to express how epic this shot was, but it wowed the judges and landed you first place! Ona just wants to know if that was a shower in the foreground…. or did you have a friend manipulate some fancy skill to get that look?!?
Up next, the winner of the entire competition will be announced, and that elusive Golden S-Rank Title will be awarded…. I still don’t have one of those, but looking back at this competitions shots, I don’t want to go up against any of these models!
The challenge for June this year is going to be a perfect start to kick off the hottest months of the year – Summer Blockbuster!
“When I think of a long, hot summer, I imagine going to see the latest blockbuster in a cool, air-conditioned theater with warm, buttered popcorn and a cold beverage. Bring your favorite blockbuster to life in your screenshot but also include a quote to go with it.”
For this challenge, include the screenshot as well as a movie quote that inspired the screenshot, alongside your character name. Send this in a DM to Host Katarh via the ENTM Discord channel. The voting form will include the movie caption.
Entries for this challenge will be accepted until 11:59 PM EDT on Friday June 25th.
Elessia elected to pay the last two prizes forward, so the prize this month is going to be any outfit from the Mogstation you want.
ENTM contests are open to the general screenshot community. You do not have to have participated in any ENTM contest before. You must, however, be a member of our Discord community to see the winner’s announcement. ENTM monthly contest screenshots must be “vanilla” – no mods, no Reshade, and no post processing allowed. You must include the FFXIV copyright notice on the shot to allow us to post on our website for voting. Please submit one (1) original screenshot for this contest, not used in any other contest before or posted on social media. Also please include the character name for voting. No other restrictions apply beyond these and the challenge theme as described above. Do not taunt happy fun ball.
Please >>>click right here<<<< to join the ENTM Discord community if you have not done so already!
Bet you never saw that epic Rick Roll heading straight towards you with the trench coat, ginger hair, and sweet, sweet dance moves.
“You know the rules, and so do I” – Ona
What you WILL see, however is the most amount of Fresh a Fresh Faces round could fit into one post! So much wow…. so much whoa…. so much Epic-ness to give Queen Bee herself telling you about Becky with the good hair a run for her crown. So many pockets Starlight wouldn’t even know what to put in them!
“No pockets?! WHY???” – Elessia
The models were told to go and be as epic as Beyoncé, and as memorable as Rick Astley.
And the models did not disappoint! So without further adieu, we present the final round…
Never Gonna Give You Up
“Dodge This!” – Amalie
Extinguish the Dark that blocks the Light – Chetana
“You’re Going The Right Way For A Smacked Bottom.” – Daiyu
“Come with me, to the stars and beyond!” – Damien
I’m Illsaide, born brilliant, born bad, and a little bit mad – Illsaide
“What a Feeling” – Killia
“Pride: it’s what you make of it” – Reese
Never gonna let you STAY down – Zathena
“Ona is thirsy” – Teomaru
Voting up until Tuesday 10pm… Round Winner Announce by Midnight!
The Judges loved your shot and how you used the elements of your scene to tell a story! Your use of the household items to build your set sold them on a hard working baker, and not Gordon Ramsay’s punching bag! I agree completely with Kat this round… I could SMELL your shot. (mmm… bread)
The winner for the May Challenge, on the theme of Sunrise Sunset, was once again Elessia Sedai! Congratulations!
We’ll be putting up the June challenge in the next few days. Elessia has elected to pay the Mogstation prize forward yet again, so June’s challenge is going to have a bigger prize than normal.