Happy New Year! The winner for our December 2021 challenge on the theme of Unfettered and Free was Daiyu Elani! Taking the theme at its most literal, she held a dance party with everyone’s favorite Lord of the Revel.
Congratulations! We’ll be announcing the first challenge of 2022 shortly.

The ENTM hosts are also discussing our first longer cycle of the year. Note that due to the server congestion issues, we still have a hold on spoilers past the level 85 MSQ since so few folks have been able to complete the story as planned over the break. As a result, any longer cycles are more likely to take place once we know that all the participants have access to the game during their playable hours. Please be patient with us, as SE has asked for patience as well. (I also work in business technology and I am all too painfully aware of the server shortage since it’s impacting the long term plans of my department in the real world as well….)