Welcome everyone to the first week of voting for Classic Cycle 13! We’re kicking things off in a leisurely fashion with a theme called Free Time. This is a staple of the early ENTM rounds back when we were on the forums.
The models were given this clue:
“How do you spend your free time when you’re not being a model? Do you do dangerous raids, do you garden, do you fish? Show us your hobby!”
Please view each of the images below by clicking on the middle to view it full size. Use your browser’s back button to return to this post.
And then vote for each of the images from strongest at the top with #1 down to the weakest at the bottom with #8 using the Google poll found on the bottom of this post. (Remember, ENTM uses ‘golf scores’ so the lowest score wins each round.) Voting will be open to the community until Tuesday, March 22nd at 11:59 PM ET.
If you are having difficulty voting on the Google poll using the embedded form, you can click here to open the form in a separate tab:
Note that to prevent multiple votes, you must be signed into a Google account. Email addresses are not saved to protect your privacy.