Week 6 – The Final Week

Wow. The Cycle is over after this week??!?! I am not ok with this! I want to see the manager! There is no manager only Katarh

For real for real.

The final week. When I was planning the weeks, I said I want this to be light hearted, push some boundaries, force the models to really think about what they were copying and give me images that are fun, funny, and impressive. For the last five weeks we have seen these amazing shots and the models stepping up to themes that are a little strange…

So I figured, lets make the final week something everyone enjoys, a theme that no one can pretend isn’t amazing and awesome and probably would be drunk at 10:45 in the morning if there weren’t obligations and a mountain of clothes to fold and put away….

That’s right… this week’s theme was


I gave the models some images of myself, some commissions some IG. Provided them with things Ona likes, characteristics of her personality, and told them to become me. Some models found embodying me to be a strange situation and they laughed as they sent me their images, while others, nah they all thought it was hilarious…

First, here is a gallery of the images I provided to the models:

Now… here are the models as Ona…

Amalie Greene – Skål
Damien – Shenanigans
Hilda – Le Dancing Ona is the Dancing Queen
Kimiko – (Ona) Ceruleum Processing Plant!
Netizyn – Ona

Now comes the fun part — which model best captures Ona, in all of her Loud, Loyal, Supportive, Cheese stick-appy juice-chicky nugg loving glory? Which Bard, outbarded the Bard of all Bards?

Drop your little votey votes and we will have an answer for you next Wednesday!


And as always, love from here
– Ona

Week 5 – Zodiac – Winner!

Well here we are, sharing another winner!

I asked the models to share with me their best Zodiac image. They were given the choice of Western Zodiac or Chinese Zodiac

if they would have asked they could have done any other Zodiac there is but that’s all that was asked of me

As a Scorpio (Scorpio Sun, Taurus Moon, and Capricorn Rising) I am a cranky stubborn secretive grudge holding passionate human who will gladly take someone out for a friend (just say the word).

But I didn’t have to take a shot. My models did, however. From their amazing entries, we had an incredibly close contest this round. Places 2 and 3 tied, but there was a clear winner, and that was …


Gemini Horses

The use of both the Chinese Zodiac (Horse) and the Western Zodiac (Gemini) you encorporated dualing ideas and created a beautiful image, which earned you a well deserved win!

Next week is our last week, but probably my favorite week 🙂 As Yoshi P would say…

Please look forward to it.

And as always, love from here.

Zodiac – Round 5

When most people consider Zodiac, we immediately think of the typical 12 month calendar based on the stars, however one of my models noted that we also have the Chinese Zodiac, and those a pretty awesome ideas as well! So I was asked if they could also be included…


So they were given the chance to create an image that embodies their own zodiac signs. This round is the only round that isn’t based specifically on an image, but instead on the characteristics or feelings associated with the Zodiacs. So without further delay… Your models…

Alastor – Gemini

Amalie – Aries

Damien – Rabbit

Hilda – La Capricorn

Kimiko – Taurus

Netizyn – Gemini (and Horse)

Voting closes on Wednesday and the post will go up shortly after!


And as always, Love from here.

CopyCat Round 4 – Winner(s)


When I asked the models to take a photo to feel the vibe of this girl, I did not expect the intensity that was delivered. Actually I did, what am I saying…. So its really no wonder that we ended up with a tie.

That’s right my loves!


But which two models?


Congrats to our BEAUTIFUL???!?!? models…

Come back on Saturday morning when Round 5 photos are posted!

And as always, Love from here
– Ona


Yes. You read that correctly. This week is all about a girl who went viral showing her pigs in a competition. Why did she go viral?


This girl isn’t just making eye contact with the judges. She’s looking directly into their souls…

So what did I ask the models to do this week?

Make it weird.

My models did not disappoint! <3

Amalie – The Look
Damien – stare into their souls
Hilda – The Stare
Kimiko – That one girl who wrangles pigs
Netizyn – If my tonberries don’t scare people…I will

So you know what to do…. go vote for your favorite crazy person Model
(Voting closes Wednesday Morning – Winner announced at 12pm EST)


And as always, Love from here
– Ona

CopyCat Round 3- Barbie Winner!

omg! It’s like totally Ona here! ❤️❤️

Last week I asked the models to gimmie photos of them as their favorite Barbie! They did not disappoint! Our judges struggled because of how great all the models did and not knowing which !

That alone should make each of you proud!

however, there is still that elephant in the room…

so let’s hop right in and give praise where it’s due!



your depiction of Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus was so spot on that the judges felt your image was the perfect representation of a Barbie girl, in an Eorzean world!

come back soon for week 4!!!

And as always, love from here…


CopyCat Cycle – Round 3 – Barbie

In a weird unplanned twist of fate, I was alerted to the fact that today is actually Barbie’s official birthday! Sometimes Ona makes unique connections without trying!

Barbie’s official birthday is March 9, 1959—the day she was officially introduced to the world. Handler always saw Barbie as a reflection of the times, with the first doll mimicking the glamour of 1950s stars such as Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe. In its first year, 300,000 Barbie dolls were sold. The first Barbie doll sold for $3.00, but a mint condition #1 doll can fetch more than $25,000 today. (credit https://www.history.com/news/barbie-through-the-ages)

So I tasked the models with finding a Barbie, any Barbie and making themselves into a Barbie girl in an Eorzean world.

Aqua would be impressed.

Alastor – Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus


Amalie – Original Barbie


Damien – Camping Barbie


Hilda – Golden Dream Barbie


Kimiko – Japanese Barbie


Netizyn – Happy Birthday Barbie


Ok so everyone go vote –> and I’ll see you back here on Wednesday with results! <3


And as always, Love from here.

CopyCat Round 2 – Eras – Winner

Taylor Swift was born in Reading, Pennsylvania and grew up on a Christmas Tree Farm where she was employed to pick praying mantis eggs off of trees as they were sold. It inspired her song “Christmas Tree Farm”.

Just like Taylor was inspired by her life growing up just an hour from your favorite (that’s me, Ona) our models were inspired by her various albums, tours, music, etc. While many models chose the Folklore era, one model in particular chose a different Era to Copy and it definitely hit the Judge’s mark.

So let’s not cause Bad Blood, and announce the winner….


Damien chose to copycat Taylor’s Reputation Era and produced a stunning image.

Up next, Round 3, where things may get a little Plastic

And as always, Love from here…

Round 2 – CopyCat – Taylor Swift The Eras Tour

I am not a Swiftie, but I cannot say I wasn’t happy to see her boyfriend played really well during the Usher concert and won the sportsball prize! Go Taylor’s boyfriend! However, I am fully aware of the bombshell of a superstar T-Swiftie is. As such, I figured why not bring the Eras Tour to Eorzea!

Our beautiful models were given free range of anything Swift. Album covers. Music Videos. Photo Shoots. Whatever worked to encapsulate the essence of their chosen Era. I think Taylor would be proud of what they produced!

Alastor – Folklore
Amalie – Folklore Cardigan
Damien – Reputation
Hilda – Folklore
Kimiko – Red
Netizyn – Karma

Voting open til Wednesday 8am EST – Winner announced at 12pm EST!


And as always, love from here.
– Ona