Meet the Photographers of Scenic Cycle 4!

We have nine photographers competing in Scenic Cycle 4. Our Scenic cycles are unique in that they are anonymously judges – only Katarh Mest knows which photographer submits each shot each week, and the judges will be judging and ranking each screenshot solely on what is presented.

Community judging will be scored completely separately and will be just for fun.

But we still want to know who decided to throw themselves into the chaotic fire of an ENTM cycle, so here they are!

Alastor IzuniaMateus
Netizen JamesBalmung
Oaken BookshelfMateus
Zukira PhaeraOdin
Damien MontclairOdin
Oudine AubemarleMarilith
Escher StrangeZodiark
Hilda GardeOdin
Schan StarfallMoogle
The photography team for Scenic Cycle 4