ENTM Scenic Cycle 4 Round 1: New Horizons

Hello my lovelies! It is time for the first round of Scenic Cycle 4 – ENTM’s anonymously judged photography style screenshot cycle.

Each week, our photographers will share their photo on the theme, and then our judges will sort and rank them and provide critiques. We also have community voting just for funsies during this round, but the final winner of Scenic Cycle is done purely by the judges votes since everything is anonymous!

Last week you met the judges and the photographers – so this week let us see their beautiful works! The theme for Round 1 was “New Horizons” inspired by the song lyrics of the Dawntrail teaser cinematic. This round was free style, no restrictions – anywhere in Etherys that the photographer felt inspired by the phrase!

To view each image in a larger size, click on the center of the image. It should open in a new tab in your browser.

After looking at each image, please vote using the embedded Google poll below. Sign in is required to prevent ballot stuffing, but I do not collect email addresses.

If you are having trouble using the embedded poll above, you can instead vote using this link. It should open in a new tab.
