ENTM Runway Cycle: Meet Your Host & Judges

Your Host, Ni’ko Shae

Tumblr Cycle 11 winner and regular supporter of all things ENTM your host Ni’ko Shae puts the purr in purple. Rumour suggests a time when he had no association with the colours purple, pink, or anything in between, but such ridiculous allegations are clearly without merit. Runway Cycle is his brainchild created with /gpose beginners in mind.

Judge Kai Ulric

No stranger to the spotlight Kai is a long time model, host, site admin, and creator of the non-elimination ruleset. Always ready to cheer and judge, this lovely gal is also an avid housing collector. Rumour has it she has twenty houses across all data centers.

Judge Malkovich Malkovich

A double threat, this two-time S-rank model ready to judge your glam game has a great eye for drama. He’s also the warrior in Hidden Gorge ready to Holmgang you onto the train tracks. Glad he’s on our side!

Judge Odharnait “Ona” Greene

An avid promoter and supporter of ENTM, Ona is our Tumblr Cycle 10 Community Vote winner, frequent judge, frequent winner of our Monthly Challenge, and goddess of mythology. We welcome her grace and wit.

Judge Rymmrael “Rymm” Bhaldraelwyn

Tumblr Cycle 10’s lovely first alternate Rymm is a longtime supporter of ENTM, and a writer for Aetherflow Media. A true virtual fashionista, Rymm freely admits to spending more time on her in-game wardrobe than her real life wardrobe as she has made it her life mission to prove Roegadyns are just as pretty and fashionable as any other race (all hail the master race).

Thank you to our judges for stepping in for this competition, and thank you all for your interest and support. We’ve got six exciting weeks of fashion to forward, so please stay tuned. Cast announcement will be on the evening of Wednesday, November 6th.

Everybody say love! Now let the music play.

Doubles Week 3 Winners!

Hello again! It is I, Host Kai!

I am here to announce our winners for week three! Wow, even with our week break it’s hard to believe we are already halfway done!

I am sure you wish to know which of our amazing pairings were at the top this time!

As always, our teams did an excellent job and we appreciate every picture they give us! But, as always, the Community and Judges have spoken!

This week, the most vicious of the versus goes too…

Cowbot Ninetythree & Gangly Zilla!

Congrats! Your beautiful battle blasted away the competition!

Now, can you stay on top?

We will find out next week!

ENTM Doubles Cycle: Meet the Judges

Hello again, this is your host, Kai and I am introducing the judges today! The wonderful people who have agreed to Judge the first-ever Doubles competition is:

Ni’ko Shae, the Pink Kitty Extraordinaire!
Fresh from Tumblr Cycle 11, Yojimbo Kasai!
The Wonderful Host of Instagram Cycle, Misia Kitami!

and last, but never least:

The host’est with the most’est, Katarh Mest!

Thank you judges, and let’s all look forward to a great Cycle!

Double’s Edition Cycle 1: Model Announcement

They are amazing! They are fantastic!

They are the models of the first ENTM Double’s Edition!

These seven partners in crime will battle it out over the next six weeks to prove they are the perfect pairing! The most daring of duos! A killer combo that is deserving to be named best in show! So, who will be named the first S-Rank Duo and walk away with the crown? Stay tuned to find out, starting August 19th!

In no specific order, welcome to the cycle:

Blu Rose and Simple Pickle from Goblin
Xev Bellwyn and Matoko Magamitsuki from Sargatanas and Siren
Cowbot Ninetythree and Gangly Zilla from Cactuar
Malkovich Malkovich and Neisha Rayne from Faerie
Rosalie Luvern and Astrum Luvern from Cactuar
Yume Aawkot and Yuriel Sylvari from Ultros
Elynor Black and Azalea Sol from Faerie

Best of luck to everyone!

ENTM Double’s Cycle Tryouts

Good afternoon everyone! It’s time for ENTM: Double’s Edition Cycle One!

Before I get into the try out’s – I do need some judges! So, if you’re interested please join Ni’ko on the panel for the first Double’s Edition ever!

Now, that said –

This is a Classic Edition, meaning no mods of any kind. If it’s not naturally part of the game, then it’s not allowed.

No body mods, gear mods, reshade, cropping or using photoshop to alter the image!

For Doubles Edition you need to have a partner, obviously lol! You will both be in every image (must be 1 image, not a single image for both characters) and you need to balance one another without outshining each other! So grab a friend or significant other and get ready to show how truly in sync you can be! Remember, this is a six-week commitment.

Have your images turned in by August 4th, 2019 by Midnight (EST). If you have any questions, feel free to ask! You can join our Discord below:


To try out for the cycle send (DM Admin Kai on Discord) me three images along with the following information:

-Full Names of both characters
-Their respective servers
-Data Center

Along with the following themes:

1) Our favorite glamour. Show off your favorite glamours in a fashion showdown!
2) Day at the Beach. Show us how you both enjoy a day at the beach together!
3) Portrait of both characters, shoulders up, in black and white. Example:

Scenic Cycle Winner Announcement

Once again I would like to thank all our photographers for being part of our experiment. Taking screenshots for six weeks straight is tough. Fighting for weather, getting told by me to redo the shot because of some technical issue, or just feeling uninspired – it all adds up. I tend to prefer shorter cycles because by week 6 I’m feeling personally burned out in any given contest. So whew! We made it!

One thing we wanted to see is if anonymous judging would be a viable way of determining a photographer’s skill without any risk of bias. (I trust our judges in ENTM to not have any overt bias, but they’re only human after all.)

The other thing, and I’ve seen this happen in several rounds of Classic Cycle, is that doing constantly well every week – even the weeks that you don’t win – is the key to having a triumphant finish in a non-elimination cycle

With exact one three way tie win under her belt, and a whole lot of close second place finishes in the earlier rounds, the winner of Scenic Cycle 1 is Sudedki “Suds” Nankali with a final score of 57. Congratulations! In second place, with a final score of 76, is Malkovich Malkovich! In third place, with a final score of 80, is Darius Stormcrow!

As a final treat, here is Suds’ complete portfolio from this cycle. She will be immortalized as ENTM’s first ever S-Rank Photographer.

Scenic Cycle’s galleries and judge’s feedback will be transferred to the Archives section of the website, so you can easily browse them again in the future.

Thank you all for being with us during the very first Scenic Cycle!

ENTM Scenic Cycle: Photographers List

We have ten brave volunteers for our Scenic Cycle experiment. Like our judges, we have a fantastic mix of ENTM veterans and newcomers.

Round 1 will be posted in exactly one week.

Our list of photographers is as follows:

Thousand RiversMateus
Kai UlricSiren
Rongi PongiUltima
Darius StormcrowUltros
Alesana PetrovaMateus
Sudedki NankaliUltros
Yume AawkotUltros
Zukira PhaeraOdin
Aldrid LightSargatanas
Malkovich MalkovichFaerie

Good luck to our contestants! I have attached a gallery that shows their beautiful submissions to enter: Stormblood Memories! The rules were Stormblood areas, with no roll angle, using the Echo filter. This is the only gallery that will have the entrants named, since this audition round was not judged.

ENTM Scenic Cycle Judges

Welcome to the official start of ENTM’s new Scenic Cycle!

Three brave volunteers will be acting as our judges for the course of this experiment. Two are familiar faces, and one is a brand new community judge recruited via our partners at Hydalaen International / Project HI.

Ni’ko Shae of Cactuar is our most recent S-Rank model winner. He participated in ENTM Tumblr Cycles 10 and 11, and won 1st place in Tumblr Cycle 11. He has proven to have a great eye for colors and his enthusiasm for screenshots knows no bounds.

Odharnait “Ona” Greene of Goblin was the 2018 Monthly Challenge winner, and was the winner of the Community Votes in Tumblr Cycle 10. Ona is currently competing in Instagram Cycle 2 as well. Ona has a gift for conveying emotions and storytelling in her shots, and has inspired multiple rounds in ENTM since her debut.

Our community judge this cycle is Forthyn S’yel of Adamantoise. Forthyn has a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree with over 10 years in the artistic field, and has assisted in curating and guiding students in proper composition and perspective in their work – especially landscape paintings and photography! We are excited to welcome Forthyn to the ENTM family.

Thank you to the judges who have volunteered their time. The judges have agreed to provide short critiques each week for all ten photographers, although due to the anonymous nature of the judging each week, they will be unable to provide comments on weekly growth.

ENTM Scenic Cycle: Call for Photographers and Judges

The Experiment

Hi everyone! Katarh Mest here, as usual, your friendly cycle-formerly-known-as-Tumblr host, and now the website administrator for our site.

We’ve got two months to kill until Shadowbringers, and a couple months ago we tossed around the idea of a model-free version of ENTM in our Screenshot Fun channel on the Discord. Some folks aren’t so great at taking shots of their characters, but put out absolutely stunning photographic images. So why shouldn’t we allow them a chance to show off too?

And thus, Scenic Cycle was born.

Here’s the plan

  • 10 Photographers
  • 3-4 Permanent Judges, in pure “jury panel” format
  • Weekly Rounds
  • Anonymous judging each round, with no community judging involved
  • No Eliminations (however if you miss two rounds, you are assumed to have quit the competition and will no longer be judged)
  • No character models inside the shot (NPCs may be used but should not be the subject and probably not that close up at all)
  • Gpose only, no Reshade or Mods (how do you even mod the environment…?)
  • Must have the FFXIV copyright information in the corner (no cropping or third party apps allowed)

I’m also going to do things a bit differently in terms of the “audition.”



I can just hear Rongi now: Kat, you’re crazy! But here me out: We’ve got about two months until Shadowbringers, and a lot of our models like to hem and haw and wait until the last minute to get an audition in. This is, above all, an experimental cycle. Photographers, SPEED is going to be the name of the game. I need to know you can get a shot in within our weekly deadlines and not delay us. And unlike a character shot, it’s pretty difficult to take a bad landscape shot.

  • May 4th at 10:00 PM EDT – Entries open.
  • May 11th: Photographers announced, round themes send to judges and cast
  • May 17th: Round 1 shots due (will be posted the next day)
  • May 25th: Round 2 shots due
  • June 1st: Round 3
  • June 8th: Round 4
  • June 15th: Round 5
  • June 22: Round 6

This cycle will be a six week commitment. Please do not enter if you won’t be able to participate for the entire contest! I will be running this again, don’t worry! Failure to get a shot in before the weekly deadline will result in a ranking of last place for the week. Missing two shots will result in your being removed from the competition for the remainder of the cycle.

Weekly winners will be announced by character after anonymous judging is completed. Overall cycle winner will be announced on or around June 23rd.

How To Audition

  1. Join our Discord if you haven’t already (click on this link to join!)
  2. Find Katarh Mest under the Admins and send her a DM with the following: Your Character Name, Your Server, and a landscape screenshot
  3. The Entry Round theme is: Stormblood Reflections! Using the Echo filter only. This shot must also be landscape orientation (wider than it is tall), with roll angle of 100. (NO DUTCH ANGLE. NO.) It must be in a Stormblood zone. If your shot does not follow these rules, I’ll return the shot and tell you to redo it. 😛
  4. Alternately, send that same information in an email to eorzeasntm at gmail dot com. (You do not have to join our Discord to participate, but it’s a lot more fun when you do. Photographers will have their own dedicated chat room.)
  5. Your entry is accepted when I reply back with a Verified Audition number.
  6. Once I have my 10 photographers, the entries will be closed. I will follow up with an announcement here.

And about those Judges

I am looking for at least 3-4 folks willing to act as judges. Your responsibility each week will be to rank the photographs in a Google Poll, using golf scoring (with 1 as the strongest/highest and 10 as the weakest) and provide at least one line of commentary per photo, each week. Judging is not limited to first come first serve 😛 But please get back to me ASAP if you are interested.

If you are one of the Top 4 of any previous ENTM cycle, or you have been a judge for us previously, or you are one of our community partners from Hydalaen International, and you have some talent with photography and feel like you’d be a good judge for this crazy contest, please DM Katarh Mest with your character name, server, and a one sentence explanation of why you would be a good fit. (E.g. I won a different landscape contest, I took an art class in college, or I just really like landscape shots and I curate them in a blog.)

Let’s do this!