And May it is! Wow. This week the models went out and shared with us their guilty pleasures! They shared their secrets and showed off their glams to wow us! Some of our models went obscure, some went very pop-culture, but the one who stood out above all had Power! Unlimited Power! They were One with the force. And the force is one with them.
So without jumping lightspeed, let’s congratulate our Round 2 winner:
Damien Montclair!
Damien, “You are the Chosen One. You have brought balance to this world. Stay on this path, and you will do it again for the galaxy. But beware your heart.”
We encourage you to come back next week for Round 3! Another prompt, another round! At this point, it’s anyone’s game!
We have a discord.,, Come join us!
As a grown woman who takes care of herself I still find it difficult to admit I like certain artists, and for the longest time I would struggle to say I actually liked them. I posted on my timeline a photo of my husband and had a Justin Bieber song playing in the background and my best friend tried to shame me. Well I may not have a best friend anymore, but I sure am a Bieliber!
Which brings me to this week’s theme!
I’m a Bielieber!
I’m not that much of a Bieliber… It’s an ode to Britney! It’s Phantoms of the Genetic Opera! It’s a Hee hee of praise for our guilty pleasures!
It’s a week of Guilty Pleasures – Freestyle!
Models were told to MmmBop! their way into a shot where they proudly embody EVERYBODY (rock your body) of their Guilty Pleasure artist, book series, movie, or whatever would have Wingardium LeviOsa’d them into a Pit of Despair situation.
This Provincial Town (Beauty and the Beast) – Ellesia
Whenever, Wherever (Shakira) – Ona (Play Along)
It is now the judges turn to decide whose guilty pleasure is the guiltiest.
Please also submit your community vote (1=Favorite, 10=Least Favorite) in the form below! Voting closes on Tuesday 10pm EST, with the Round winner announced by 8am Wednesday!
Let’s Let it Go! and check out the shots!
“Chaos, yet harmony.” (Star Wars) – Damien
In bed with Madonna, the Material Miqo’te (Madonna)- Illsaide
Just Beat It! (Michael Jackson) – Chetana
Oops! I did it again… (Britney Spears) – Zathena
Protected by Jupiter, the planet of thunder. The Guardian of Protection. I am Sailor Jupiter! (Sailor Moon) – Daiyu
Music of the Night (Phantom of the Opera) – Killia
Lady Gaga would be proud this week of our models and their return home to snap shots with their kinfolk. It was awesome to see each model’s take on the theme and how they used the tight frame of the Polaroid frame to build their shot. Some models played tricks, some danced, and some spent lighthearted hours with their kin.
But the winner of Round 1 of Fresh Faces 2 took the theme and PLASTERED it THREE SHEETS TO THE WIND! Or at least their friend did!
Congratulations to Our very own St. Pauli’s Girl…
for the shot that documented her friends drunken escapades!
A Night on the Town
What did the judges say?
“What’s great about this shot is not only is your character the star, but we also have this great scene playing out behind you.”
“The waist up was the right choice for this shot, letting your background do the heavy lifting for the story while you smile for the camera up close.”
What does Ona say?
“Ona would fully support this selfie, and probably would find herself taking the role of the drunken friend.”
Now that we have one week under our belts, the models will be submitting their Week 2 shots for review, community voting, and judging and the newest photos will be available to the public on Saturday! We CANNOT wait to see what they continue to bring to the table!
So without further adieu, I present the 2021 Fresh Faces!
Daiyu Elani / Midgardsormr / Viera / White MagePortia Baloumat / Faerie / Elezen / MachinistKillia Verenelle / Siren / Au Ra / Black MageReese Direson / Goblin / Miqo’te / White MageZathena Astraeus / Goblin / Miqo’te / AstrologianAmalie Greene / Goblin / Hyur / Red MageTeomaru Nijima / Cactaur / Roegadyn / MachinistChetana Silverfang / Siren / Miqo’te / Black MageIllsaide Dirhage / Lamia / Miqo’te / Dark KnightDamien Montclair / Odin / Hyur / White Mage
What an impressive bunch of beautiful models we have!!!
Check out the rest of their application images in the gallery below and come back next week for the first round and your chance to vote for your favorites! <3
My Love : Ni’ko Shae : made me this banner… isn’t it absolutely beautiful?
On Friday we get to announce the contestants in the upcoming cycle! But today we celebrate…
These hand picked, top shelf, fine looking judges are not only amazing models themselves, but also have proven to have an eye for helping others! Fresh Faces Deux is super excited to have them to lay down the critiques and give the newbies some feedback for improvement!
I also want to welcome my amazing Assistant Mentor this Cycle! Elessia and I shared many a screenshot during Allstars Cycle She beat me, partly because she’s gorgeous, partly because she is an amazing G-Pose Artist! Either way, she is going to be a massive support to me and the models this cycle!
I am the Host and Mentor of this Cycle, Odharnait “Ona” Greene, and will be guiding the cycle through Six Weeks of challenge prompts for the new models!
Sometimes I write posts drunk. Sometimes I have crazy ideas. I may or may not have picked the rounds during a drunken crazy idea session.
Either way, join us for the excitement! The adventure!
This is… Fresh Faces 2: 2021 Edition!
Come join us on Discord.
Have you been lurking in the shadows too afraid to compete?
Well now is your chance!
Concerned you wont have a chance against the veterans?
Seriously, I am a veteran, why are you worried?
Want to risk it all for fame an fortune?
That one isn’t going to happen….
Do you want to finally cast off the shroud of doubt and join in the competition to welcome new models and gain that elusive Yellow Title of “S-Rank Model”?
Then now is your time to shine!
ENTM is now holding Open Auditions for New Models to compete in our Fresh Faces competition which begins in uh… ***checks calendar*** Three weeks!
Beginning on April 30th (first week open for public voting on May 1st), the competition will run for 6 weeks, and will be a non-elimination, vanilla cycle, open to those models who have never before competed in an ENTM competition. If you are interested in auditioning, please submit three images to me privately (discord or email – and include the following information:
Character Name
Main Class
Three images in the following categories
Headshot! Must be a bust shot, so shoulders and up!
Action shot! Go kill something. Look beautiful while doing it!
Freestyle shot (with a twist!) BASE RACE GEAR GLAM. Everyone looks good in the 2B Gear, so let’s be basic!
The competition will be hosted by none other than Your Friendly Neighborhood Odharnait “Ona” Greene (who’s butt you can see above).
All of your beautiful faces!
Auditions close on Wednesday April 21st at Midnight and models will be announced on Friday April 23rd!
New to ENTM? Join our Discord and get in on the fun!
We are at the end of a two month journey. A few of our models hit bumps along the road, but somehow we emerged at the end with all 14 models still participating and voting each week, which is incredible.
I want to thank everyone who agreed to Rongi Pongi’s crazy idea for self-scoring, and I am grateful I had the opportunity to bring this cycle to fruition. We probably won’t do an All Stars cycle every year, and the next time we do I’ll probably have a different formula, but it was definitely a fun experiment to try and a good excuse to get more screenshots from some of our best models since we started in 2014.
After a good bit of head scratching and a lot of helpful fill-ins from Google Sheets, I’ve got the data that you all were waiting for: the winners!
In third place, with a cumulative score of 186, we have Elessia Sedai!
In second place, with a cumulative score of 182, we have Malkovich Malkovich!
And our grand prize winner for our inaugural All Stars Cycle, with a cumulative score of 178, is Yomu Kazul!
Yomu Kazul All Stars S-Rank
Congratulations Yomu!
Community votes are also a crucial aspect of our scoring system. Sometimes the community disagrees with our judges, but most often the purpose of the community score is to break the ties when the judges can’t agree themselves. Our winners for Community Votes this cycle are Elessia Sedai, Odharnait Green, and Ninifipsi Fini.
All Stars Grand Finale: Top Community Votes
ENTM will be celebrating the two year anniversary of our website now that it is March, so our next project (while we prepare the next contest for everyone) will be an all inclusive community refresh of the website. Please stick around for additional news about this project in the next few days!
Hello ENTM Fans! 2021 is going to be bringing us our long awaited first “All-Stars” cycle.
Were you a previous winner of an ENTM cycle, or placed in the top three during your competition? Did you win another challenge or voting from ENTM, such as a fan bring back during our YouTube or IG cycles, or get crowned a Monthly Challenge Winner for the Year?
If so, then All Stars is the contest for you! Previous models will be tasked with judging themselves and getting critiques and feedback from the rest of the voting community directly. THERE ARE NO JUDGES BUT US THIS TIME. This is going to be a fun experiment for Host Katarh Mest and for the rest of the ENTM community, since we’ve never done anything like this before.
If you are qualified and are interested in entering All Stars, we’re starting this cycle up in January. Please contact Katarh or Kai on the ENTM Discord to be added to our All-Stars group! New entries will be accepted until January 1st, 2021, and the cycle will kick off one week later on January 8th.
Please >>>click right here<<<< to join the ENTM Discord community if you have not done so already!
Please help me in congratulating the winner of ENTM’s sophomore run of Runway Cycle, and our newest S-Rank Model…
Rymmrael Bhaldraelwyn!
Rymm kept it rael all cycle by executing each challenge while bringing forth classic storytelling to each shot. Rymmrael Bhaldraelwyn’s storytelling is especially apparent during the three weeks of the Zero to Hero Ball where we see her just getting off the boat to begin her journey, her enlistment with the Maelstrom, and then finally our mind can simply imagine her at the helm of her very own ship taking her to a horizon all her own. Her creative use of just the right background really helped to encapsulate the look each shot brought. Rymm brought the essence of our Classic Cycle to Runway, and I could not be more proud.
Comfortable, and Easy to Wear
Eikon’t Believe It!
Off to See the Wizard
Steampunk Realness
Z2H: Pray Return to Your Roots
Z2H: Grand Company, Represent!
Z2H: Become What You Must
Rainbow Connection
Our second place victor, Yomu Kazul, really brought a level of vibrancy to their shots that we hadn’t seen in quite some time, even while the backdrop was dark and mysterious. Yomu showed a real knack for creative poses, dramatic backdrops, and a level of humour that I think we can all appreciate. Yomu also earned the community vote for this cycle; this is the winner of the combined votes from community alone, excluding our judges.
Our third place victor, Meztli Kagon, really let her cinematographic prowess flex this cycle with several shots feeling like a movie poster come to life. Our fourth place victor, Yume Aawkot, showed us her eye for creating unique and lively glamours all while capturing just the right pose to compliment them with.
And, of course, our competition wouldn’t have been a full house without our fifth place victors: Alastor Izunia, Aldrid Light, Araatel Doyerii, Djevh’a Kam’lanaut, Khloe Jaab, Kimi Kho, Marcelloix Axios, and Sphinx Apocrypha. You all did wonderfully this cycle, and gave us some of our most favourite shots. It was genuinely a great joy to see you grow with each passing week, and how you responded to feedback. It has been my honour to be your mentor. I thank you so much for being a part of this, and look forward to seeing what you bring in the future.
I want to thank you all for participating in whatever capacity. This cycle our roster included ENTM veterans and newcomers alike. Our cast and judges panel spanned the globe and back. A special thank you to our judges, Katarh Mest, Odharnait “Ona” Greene, Escher Strange, Aelyria Windrunner, and of course our special substitute judge Malkovich Malkovich.
These past few months have been incredible, and I hope you all had as much fun competing, judging, and watching as I have had hosting. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to get to know you all, and sharing in this experience with me. You’re all winners, baby.
The winner of Week 8: Rainbow Connection is none other than our Rainbow of Light…
Yomu Kazul!
Despite hiding his shoulders our technicolour warrior finished up a hero’s journey with this breathtaking take on light overcoming darkness. You impressed our judges with how wonderfully meshed this outfit is, and the helpful offset of white really helps break up how dark the shot would have otherwise been. The use of a simple backdrop with offset lighting really helped to highlight the outfit here which stands out well despite the dark tones. You really told a story here, and harkened back to older generations of RPG’s with this look. You really played with all of the crayons in the box this week. And a few markers as well.
Well, my dears, we have come to the end of our competition. Well, almost. We still have a winner to announce! But who could have possibly won this cycle? In my eyes you’re all winners, because it genuinely takes a level of confidence to sign up and show that you can do your best week after week. I have sincerely enjoyed the journey as much as you all have.
Now then, stay tuned as we crown the winner on Friday, October 30th.