Runway 2 Week 3: Off to See the Wizard

ENTM’s Runway Cycle is in full swing, and this week our models have gone somewhere over the rainbow. Our models were challenged to follow the yellow brick road and dress as a citizen of the fabled Emerald City. They’ve donned their gaudiest of greens, but don’t worry, they have not forgotten those ruby slippers.

Which of our models had enough heart, courage, and brains to pull off this week’s challenge? Now is no time to traipse about in a field of poppies! Vote 1 for your strongest, and 12 for your weakest, and everyone else in between.

Now then. May the best model … win!

Runway 2 Week 2: Results

Rejoice! For our winner of Week 2: Eikon’t Believe It is wild, and pure, and forever free…

Yomu Kazul!

Rising to the occasion our reveler unleashed the spirit of Susano upon us, a memorable dance indeed! Our judges loved how you popped against this background, and really embraced the look and feel of this primal. You really showed how just the right pose can really sell the outfit, and help embody the subject you’re emulating in these types of challenges. Well done.

Now then, my little aether shards. The seas may have parted for Yomu, and Yomu alone this time, but oh how our hearts sing in the chaos. Resilience shows, and for that I salute you. Next week may just harken you to the tumultuous heavens!

Now then. Let the music play!

Runway 2 Week 2: Eikon’t Believe It

Welcome back to another eikon-ic week of ENTM’s Runway Cycle. From the aether our models rise this week, a desperate prayer made manifest. Each model was to choose a primal to become inspired by, and summon forth an outfit worthy of a hoard of crystals. Feel the fury, and be tempered by this week’s submissions.

Which of our models embodies your glitzy, glammy prayers? Let us know! Vote 1 for your strongest, and 12 for your weakest, and everyone else in between.

And may the best model … win!

Runway 2 Week 1: Results

Our winner of Week 1: Comfortable, and Easy to Wear is in big trouble, and I’m tellin’ on her! Congratulations…

Meztli Kagon!

The epitome of comfort our capri sun kicked back, relaxed, and let her fashion do the talking. Our judges were living with her attention to detail here and there, from the flower in the hair to the earrings and even opting for bright lighting to really draw out the best of this outfit. Well done.

Keep up the terrific work my trainers. Meztli may have turned this round into a Naadam, but she won’t be Khagan forever. This week showed us the direct impact of community voting, so get some good participation going! Gotta catch all the votes! Next week is anyone’s win!

Now then. Let the music play!

Runway 2 Week 1: Comfortable, and Easy to Wear

Hello, and welcome ladies and gentleman, children of all ages, to another fun-filled run of ENTM’s Runway Cycle. Each week our models will be given specific cues, and will create an outfit befitting the hautest of the haute. This week we challenged our models let us Pikachu a little bit, and show us they can be the very best, like no one ever was. Wearing an outfit focusing on a yellow top and a pair of blue shorts which of our models can be crowned this week’s regional champ? Whether you’re a youngster, a bug catcher, or just blasting off again you gotta admit they’re comfortable, and easy to wear.

Which of our models tossed a Pokeball into your hearts? Let us know! Vote 1 for your strongest, and 12 for your weakest, and everyone else in between.

And may the best model … win!

Scenic Cycle 2 – Crowning of the Photographer

Wow. What an awesome adventure hosting for the first time!
Admittedly, I was a bit nervous to host my first cycle, but feel incredibly glad to have had this opportunity! It was amazing!

First— a big huge

to my judges: Aelyria, Elessia, Katarh , Rymm, and Ni’ko.
What a lucky little green lizard girl I am to have such amazing people to call friends!


A Round of Applause

to all of the photographers
:Hela, Forthyn, Amalie, Zukira, Khole, and Crystalita:
for submitting such amazing shots each week and really reaching for the themes! I am so thankful for such beautiful shots to be the highlight of my innaugural hosting cycle! You all did so amazingly well, and should be proud of all of your images! They are all stunning and I wont deny that they are all now my screen saver on my computer.

And now, without further adieu

Our winner of Scenic Cycle 2.0, and the new wearer of the Scenic Cycle Crown goes to…

Forthyn S’yel!

Your images landed in the top three each week, scoring you three firsts, two seconds and a third place. You even managed to pull a cycle first and receive first place votes from all judges for your final round with “Yggdrasil”.

In celebration, here are your images for all to enjoy once more!

We welcome all to sign up for Ni’ko’s Fabulous Runway Extravaganza! Look in announcements on our Discord for the sign up!

Scenic Cycle – Yggdrasil – Results

“An ash I know, Yggdrasil its name,
With water white is the great tree wet;
Thence come the dews that fall in the dales,
Green by Urth’s well does it ever grow.
Thence come the maidens mighty in wisdom,
Three from the dwelling down ‘neath the tree;
Urth is one named, Verthandi the next,
On the wood they scored, and Skuld the third.
Laws they made there, and life allotted
To the sons of men, and set their fates.”

This week we asked our photographers to go out into the world and take an image of their interpretation of “Yggdrasil” the mythological tree of the Norse Gods.

In the Prose Edda, Yggdrasil is described as:
“The ash is of all trees the biggest and the best. Its branches spread out over the world and extend across the sky. Three of the tree’s roots support it and extend very, very far. One is among the Æsir [Asgard], the second among the frost-giants, where Ginnungagap once was. The third extends over Niflheim, and under that root is Hvergelmir, and Nidhogg gnaws the bottom of the root. Yggdrasil’s three great roots are watered by three wells, Urdarbrunnr, Hvergelmr, and Mimisbrunnr. Urdarbrunnr, or Urda’s Well, is tended by the three Norn maidens, Urda (Past), Verdandi (Present), and Skuld (Future), who spin the threads of fate for all beings.

The photographers didn’t disappoint and it was a tough choice for the judges but the winner of this week was:

Forthyn S’yel!

Forth, your image of “Yggdrasil” was described as mystical and overgrown, and filled with beautiful sunlight and pops of color. It is truly magnificent and definitely cannot be contained by any device made from man.

Stay tuned for the winner of the Scenic Cycle 2.0!

Interested in joining the fun?
Visit us on Discord, Instagram, and other platforms…

I think I need more coffee…

Scenic Cycle – Yggdrasil – Final Week

Yggdrasil (from Old Norse Yggdrasill) is an immense mythical tree that plays a central role in Norse cosmology, where it connects the Nine Worlds.

Yggdrasil is an immense ash tree that is center to the cosmos and considered very holy. The gods go to Yggdrasil daily to assemble at their things, traditional governing assemblies.

The branches of Yggdrasil extend far into the heavens, and the tree is supported by three roots that extend far away into other locations; one to the well Urðarbrunnr in the heavens, one to the spring Hvergelmir, and another to the well Mímisbrunnr. Creatures live within Yggdrasil, including the dragon Níðhöggr, an unnamed eagle, and the stags Dainn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr, and Duraþrór.

This week, we asked our Photographers to go out, for their final week, and snap a photo of “Yggdrasil”, a tree fit for the Gods. Here are their amazing shots for our final week.

This week, we also have a guest judge – Ni’ko Shae!
The judges have until Tuesday 10pm to get their scores and critiques in!

Scenic Cycle – Post Cards from Home – Results

Last week we asked our talented photographers to head home and take a stunning photo in a residential district for “Postcards from Home”. Our Photographers once again wowed us with some breathtaking shots, but only one image took the win and that photographer was

Hela Frosty!

Shirogane under the Stars
Hela, the judges loved your balance between the clouds and apartment building, the vivid colors, and the choice to shoot at night! They also applauded you for the effort to get to the top of that jump puzzle for a shot!

Fantastic Shot this week! Congratulations!

Come back next week for the final round in Scenic Cycle 2!
Images go up at 10pm on Saturday!

Interested in joining the fun, FASHION, and fame? Then join ENTM!

Scenic Cycle 2 – Postcards from Home

The idea of sending a postcard is to share your adventures with others.

Visit Yellowstone National Park? Send a postcard to Grandma.
Grand Canyon? Send one to your Sister.
The Eiffel Tower? Send one to your ex-girlfriend.

Actually… don’t do that.

But have you ever sent a postcard, from HOME?
What do YOU see when you think of Home?

This week we sent the Photographers out into their worlds to take photos from home.
The requirements included – in a residential district, and with one of three allowable frames.

Our Judges will have until 10pm on Tuesday to rank and critique the images.
Come back then to see the winner!

JOIN ENTM! It’s funzies!