Round 2 – CopyCat – Taylor Swift The Eras Tour

I am not a Swiftie, but I cannot say I wasn’t happy to see her boyfriend played really well during the Usher concert and won the sportsball prize! Go Taylor’s boyfriend! However, I am fully aware of the bombshell of a superstar T-Swiftie is. As such, I figured why not bring the Eras Tour to Eorzea!

Our beautiful models were given free range of anything Swift. Album covers. Music Videos. Photo Shoots. Whatever worked to encapsulate the essence of their chosen Era. I think Taylor would be proud of what they produced!

Alastor – Folklore
Amalie – Folklore Cardigan
Damien – Reputation
Hilda – Folklore
Kimiko – Red
Netizyn – Karma

Voting open til Wednesday 8am EST – Winner announced at 12pm EST!

And as always, love from here.
– Ona

CopyCat Cycle 2 – Round 1

I absolutely love being the host for ENTM’s CopyCat Cycle. This was my brain child that Katarh gave me permission to test run. It is a chance for models to be a little silly, while also getting to create some fun and interesting screenies. Last cycle, I played it a bit safe with the themes, but this cycle I went a little more Cray-cray.… which brings us to our first Round theme

Florida Man

Florida Man is an Internet meme first popularized in 2013, referring to an alleged prevalence of people performing irrational or maniacal actions in the U.S. state of Florida.

The models this week were tasked with going online and finding a “Florida Man (or woman) article and creating that image. I love what they came up with, and now you get to view their ideas and images!


Florida Woman tries to sneak four foot emotional support snake onto airplane -


Florida Woman dances during sobriety test, tells deputy “You sound like my f***ing ballet coach”. –


Florida Man Burns Himself Dancing Naked Around Fire for Solstice Ritual –


Florida Man gets beat up by the Easter Bunny –


Florida Man climbs on top of playground equipment at Clearwater park, tells kids where babies come from –


Florida Woman harasses alligator until it’s time to pay the price –


Results will be live Wednesday 12pm! Please vote for your favorite Florida (wo)man!

And as always, love from here

CopyCat – Cycle 2 – Model Introductions!

Oh My God, We’re Back Again….


It’s been some time since a full blown cycle has occurred but we are back and so excited to launch the second variation of CopyCat! I was so excited to host it last time and even more now! The themes this time, at least in my opinion, are SO MUCH BETTER than last time! So hopefully everyone enjoys them!

This cycle will run for 6 weeks with weekly winners announced and an overall cycle winner at the end of the 6 weeks! Models will receive weekly critiques as well! If you haven’t yet joined our discord please go here –>

Please check back next week for the first week’s submissions!

But for now… let me introduce my amazing models!

Alastor Izunia – Mateus – Miqo’te

Amalie Greene – Goblin – Hyur

Damien Montclair – Odin – Au’ra

Hilde Garde – Odin – Hyur

Kimiko Naeuri – Phoenix – Hyur

Netizen James – Balmung – Miqo’te

Let’s wish our models luck and laughs! Here’s to an amazing Cycle 2 of CopyCat!

And as always, Love from here
– Ona

Classic Cycle 14 Round 6 Winner

The stars were bright at night last week (even though I don’t think any of us live deep in the heart of Texas.) But after all the votes were in, the winner for the final round of Classic Cycle 14 was Damien Montclair!

An FFXIV screenshot. An Au Ra is staring at the stars.
Damien Montclair

I have to crunch some numbers in my spreadsheet this afternoon, but with this final week under wraps, there’s only one thing left to do – declare the S-rank model for this cycle of ENTM.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this cycle, and thank you to our judges for taking time out of their summer to provide us with their insights. The only way to get better at anything is to keep practicing, and feedback is a crucial part of that process.

Classic Cycle 14 Round Six

It’s the final week of voting! I’m posting this from the Otakon XIV track (“we have Fanfest at home”) so hopefully the voting forms come through correctly.

The final week’s challenge was one of our favorite scenic style themes, Starry Sky. Our models were asked to include a starscape in any zone, any location, and thanks to Endwalker, we’ve got our first 24/7 options.

Please look at each of the images below. You can view them in closer detail by clicking on the center of the image. Use your browser’s back button to return to this blog post. Then vote for the strongest image using the Google poll embedded below. Remember that ENTM uses golf scores, so the strongest shot should be #1.

Sign in is required to prevent ballot stuffing, but no email addresses are collected. If you are having issues voting using the embedded poll, please click on this link to open it in a new tab:

Classic Cycle 14 Round 5 Winner

This was our closest week of voting yet, with community votes stepping up to break what would otherwise be a multi-way tie from the judges. But after everything was added up, the lowest score and our winner for this week belonged to Damien Montclair. Congratulations!

An FFXIV screenshot. An Au Rais dressed in a red hood and a cloak, and is walking down an empty road.
Damien Montclair

We have ONE MORE WEEK of ENTM Classic Cycle 14 to go. I hope everyone has had fun and been inspired by the creativity of our models for our short summer cycle.

Starting with our next cycle (likely sometime this fall) we will attempt to do better about cross posting to social media automatically using tools from WordPress.

Classic Cycle 14 Round 5 – Fairy Tales

We’re on to the home stretch of Classic Cycle 14. With six models remaining and scoring so tight I had to break out a magnifying glass last week, it’s still a wide open competition these last two weeks!

Our models were asked to present a “fairy tale” style shot – that is, to take a free style shot (battle, scenic, or fashion) and slap it in one of the Gpose frames with some filters to make it look like it came out of a picture book. They could choose an existing story for inspiration, or write their own fairy tale with a picture worth a thousand words.

Please look at each image below. To view the image in full size, click on the middle. Use your browser’s back button to return to this post. After looking at each image, vote using the embedded Google poll, with 1 as the strongest shot of the week on down. Voting will be open until Tuesday, July 25th.

Sign in is required, but no email addresses are collected. If you are having trouble voting using the embedded poll, please click on this link instead to open the poll in a new tab:

Classic Cycle 14 Round 4 Winner

Battle shots are always one of the tougher rounds in ENTM – it’s so hard to balance out the character, the opponent, and the action and make it look stylish. Judges and community were all over the place with their votes (so much so that fractions of a point determined the community winner again this round) but once everything was added up, the final winner for this round was once again Val Viscera.


We’ve still got two more weeks to go, and based on the math behind each week’s scores, it’s still any model’s contest to win.

On the administrative side of things, Judge Blix is having to step down due to IRL / personal reasons and will regrettably miss the rest of the competition. Judge Escher has agreed to fill in for the remaining two weeks. Thank you Blix for your first time judging for ENTM! Hope IRL gets sorted out for you soon, for the better.

An FFXIV screenshot. An Au Ra warrior is attacking a dragon.
Val Viscera

Classic Cycle 14 Round 4 – Class Commenced

Welcome back everyone! We’ve started the second half of Classic Cycle 14 now. We have six models remaining in this competition and they’re bringing in our toughest shot of the cycle, a battle shot! The models were asked to take a shot wearing class AF armor, while visibly engaged in a fight with something.

Please take a look at each of these images below. Click on the center of the image to view it in a larger size. Use your browser’s back button to return to this post.

Then use the Google poll below to rank them from 1-6, where 1 is the strongest shot of them all this week.

Sign in is required to prevent ballot stuffing, but email addresses are not stored. If you are having trouble voting using the embedded poll, click here to open it in a new tab:

Classic Cycle 14 Round 3 Winner

Last’s week photo challenge was to take a free style shot on the theme of “Tavern.” Our models braved these dark and dusty bars across the world, getting into bar fights and getting behind the bar themselves to serve up beverages, but the winner by a hair this week was Damian Montclair whose friends all cancelled on them at the last minute to play FFXVI, giving us this amusing shot in response.

Congratulations! Classic Cycle 14 continues this weekend!

An FFXIV screenshot. An Au Ra is sitting alone at a table in a bar.
Damien Montclair