Scenic Cycle – Bridge Troubled Water – Results

Another week down, another winner to announce!

The judges have weighed in and ranked the five images and provided the photographers with critiques, and we had a close race between two images, but one just pulled away with the big W-I-N!

Congrats this week to:


Forth- the judges loved your intricate details in the metal, to the “pinprick” lights that littered the image, the Judges were blown away by your attention to detail, not to mention your outside the box thinking with the use of the sewers instead of the “traditional” bridges throughout Eorzea! Your image was breathtaking and obviously the top choice!

Next week, the photographers need to dig deep for a new requirement! Come back and oooohhh and ahhhhh with me at them on Saturday 10pm!

As always, ENTM needs YOU!

Scenic Cycle – Week 3 – Bridge over Troubled Water

Holy Smokes!

Week three has sneaked up on us like it was trying to nab the good silverware. Sweetie, we don’t HAVE good silverware. Just extraordinary images!
Don’t steal them either, stealing is bad!

This week we challenged our Photographers to go out into their worlds and find a “Bridge over Troubled Water”. I was very specific that water should be the textbook definition, but that “troubled” could be up to the interpretation of the photographer.
Once again, our photographers submitted some epic shots of beautiful bridges for our judges to, well, judge.

Come back Tuesday 10pm EST for the results!

ENTM wants YOU! To join us for photoing and being amazing. Like, we know you’re already amazing, but come be it with us!

Scenic Cycle – By the River – Results

Hello friends and lovers!

Another week has come and the judges have deliberated (with themselves, because they don’t discuss their opinions before casting their votes) and we have a winner!

Pulling at the judges hearts this week was the beautiful autumnal view from the river flowing through North Shroud. Was once again Hela Frosty!

Hela, the judges loved your use of bold and bright colors, the contrast throughout the image, and the movement you managed to capture in this still image! Your image was well composed and reminded everyone of that wonderful trip over the river, and through the woods!

Come back next week when our photographers wow us with another round of beautiful images to swoon for!

Think you are able to wow the crowd with your screenies? Then come join the fun!

Scenic Cycle – Week 2 – By the River

This week our Photographers were asked to go out into the wilds and take an screenshot of the most breathtaking river they can find.

Unfortunately, Crystalita needed to take off her photographer hat and put on her amazing family hat! We at ENTM wish Crystalita the best time spent with her family and hope forever that she always knows that family and IRL ALLLWWWAYYYYSSS come first!

Here are this week’s images!

The Judges have until Tuesday 10pm to gimmie gimmie gimmie their votes and write up critiques for the photographers! Check Back Wednesday for the WINNER!!!

Join ENTM! We have cookies!

Scenic Cycle – Ansel Adams – Results

Judges votes are in and we have a winner for Week One!

Congrats to…

“A Journey Begins with a Step” – Hela Frosty

Hela, your image was loved by the judges and received high praise. The judges believed your image was most reminiscent of Ansel Adams with the darks and lights throughout, and a clear focus on the trail ahead. Your image was stunning and invited the viewer along on your journey!

Now off with you! Snap some more beautiful images for next week’s theme!

Come back Saturday 10pm for next week’s images!

As always! We want YOU to join ENTM for fun and excitement! Find us at

Scenic Cycle Week 1 – Ansel Adams

Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer – and often the supreme disappointment. Ansel Adams

Ansel Easton Adams was an American landscape photographer and environmentalist known for his black-and-white images of the American West. He helped found Group f/64, an association of photographers advocating “pure” photography which favored sharp focus and the use of the full tonal range of a photograph.

Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite Valley, California

Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite Valley, California, ca. 1937

This week, our photographers were asked to use Ansel Adams as an inspiration and wow us with their best Black-and-white images.

The Judges will have time to deliberate their votes and results for Round One will be live Wednesday by 12pm.

As always… If you want to join ENTM and all the amazing fun, join us on Discord!

Scenic Cycle Judges Announced!

“Judging you is what we do!” – Scenic Cycle Judges to the Scenic Cycle Photographers, probably.

ENTM is pleased to welcome to the Judging table the Official Judging panel for Scenic Cycle v. 2.0!

Katarh Mest
Katarh Mest has been a frequent judge, competitor, and host for ENTM since 2015. She finally won her S-Rank title with Runway Cycle in 2019. She is currently the webmaster of and primary host of ENTM Classic Cycle. You can find her afk on Lamia server most days. She’s an avid weapon collector and aspires to have all of the base relics done by the end of 2020. Outside of FFXIV, she’s a business analyst and surprisingly a huge college football fan.

Rymmrael Bhaldraelwyn-
Rymmrael Bhaldraelwyn-An avid and longtime supporter of ENTM, Rymm is a double runner-up in Classic Cycles 10 and 12, a judge for the first ever Runway Cycle, and a member of ENTM’s promotional team. Any of her spare time not whiled away in gpose is spent writing for Aetherflow Media and weeping over the small size of her glamour closet.

Aeylria Windrunner
Aeylria Windrunner is fresh off a judging stint with Classic Cycle 12, and her first turn as a model in Fresh Faces Cycle where she placed 2nd. In real life she has a foundation in photography and design, which she honed throughout college in high school. She loves bold colors (especially pink!), kpop, and doggos of all kinds.

Elessia Sedai
Elessia Sedai is the founder of Fat Cat Chronicles. Ele has been a guest judge in previous cycles of ENTM and recently competed in cycle 12. A Gpose addict herself with a background in photography, she will use her discerning eye to hopefully transform these already talented photographers into screenshot artists.

Special thank you to you for agreeing to judge this cycle and keep me sane!
You’re the Best!


Interested in joining the fun and honing your Screen Shot skills? Then join us on Discord!

Scenic Cycle 2 – Welcome Photographers!

Scenic Cycle Auditions officially closed on 6/13/2020 at 10pm EST! The deadline was pushed back as things in the world were tense and as always real life comes first! This extension allowed three more entries to find their way to Ona’s DM’s and her heart!

Ona is very excited to welcome six photographers to the cycle! Photographers were asked to submit three images for consideration…

Weird Weather

…and boy did they not disappoint!

Please join the ENTM family with welcoming the following models to the 2nd Scenic Cycle!

Khloe Jaab from Louisoix

Crystalita Miah from Moogle

Zukira Phaera from Odin

Hela Frosty from Siren

Amalie Greene from Goblin

Forthyn S’yel from Adamantoise

Next week marks the official start of Scenic Cycle 2! Check back for some amazing shots!

Interested in competing in a cycle? Learning new gpose tips and tricks? or just joining an ever growing group of screenie junkies (hahah that was a bad joke…)?

Then join us on Discord!

Classic Cycle 12 Winner

It is time, everyone! After eight grueling weeks of deadlines, frustration with battle poses, arguments about composition, and the occasional lucky shot, our judges and the community have combined their mathemagical powers to crunch out a winner.

To all of the models of Cycle 12: Thank you for putting yourself out there and sticking this through to the end. I know it takes a lot of confidence to submit your work for critiques, and sometimes the feedback you get isn’t always what you wanted to hear. But ENTM is all about doing your best, and making your best a little bit better every week. You are always part of the ENTM family, and welcome to come back and try again during our other cycles and our monthly challenges. I’ve seen the growth from all of you over the last two months, and I’m proud of what you all achieved.

This was one of our closest cycles yet, and it all came down to the final round. Even I didn’t know who was going to win until last night when I closed the votes!

The winner of Eorzea’s Neo Talent Management Classic Cycle 12, with a total score of 151.6 and the final two weekly wins under his belt, is Yomu Kazul! Yomu was also the community winner for Cycle 12, thanks to a strong series of 2nd and 3rd place finishes most weeks. Congratulations on becoming our newest S-Rank model, and the first male Au Ra to claim the title!

In second place, with a total score of 159.6, we have Rymmrael Bhaldraelwyn! Rymm gave Yomu a run for his money this entire cycle, with a weekly win during Round 4 (Wide Open Spaces) and strong finishes most other weeks.

FFXIV Screenshot
Wide Open Spaces

In third place with a score of 175.0 on the dot, we have Elessia Sedai of the Fat Cat Chronicles, who also came in 2nd place overall for the community votes this cycle. Elessia won Round 5 (Day Job) and kept toe to toe with our other models every week this cycle.

FFXIV Screenshot
Day job

All of the beautiful shots from Classic Cycle 12 will be permanently archived here on the website to inspire future models. In the meantime, if you haven’t auditioned for Scenic Cycle 2 yet, go ahead and send in your landscape photos!

Classic Cycle 12 Round 8 Winner

Our final week of Classic Cycle 12 asked our models to throw on a band and a wig and change up their entire look. Some of our knights became princesses, some of damsels became heroes, but everyone found a slightly different look and tried it on.

The voting was close as always, but the community and judges all agreed that Yomu Kazul’s transformation into a Sin Eater was the most on point for the theme this week. This is not the kind of makeover any of us want to experience (supposedly it is very painful) but Yomu’s gold accents and careful composition made it exquisitely beautiful for us to look at. Congratulations!

FFXIV Screenshot

And that’s it! All twelve models survived until the end, but only one winner will be announced later today.

In the meantime, please go look at our call for photographers for Scenic Cycle 2 if you missed it, which will be hosted by our very own Odharnait Greene.