Once again I would like to thank all our photographers for being part of our experiment. Taking screenshots for six weeks straight is tough. Fighting for weather, getting told by me to redo the shot because of some technical issue, or just feeling uninspired – it all adds up. I tend to prefer shorter cycles because by week 6 I’m feeling personally burned out in any given contest. So whew! We made it!
One thing we wanted to see is if anonymous judging would be a viable way of determining a photographer’s skill without any risk of bias. (I trust our judges in ENTM to not have any overt bias, but they’re only human after all.)
The other thing, and I’ve seen this happen in several rounds of Classic Cycle, is that doing constantly well every week – even the weeks that you don’t win – is the key to having a triumphant finish in a non-elimination cycle
With exact one three way tie win under her belt, and a whole lot of close second place finishes in the earlier rounds, the winner of Scenic Cycle 1 is Sudedki “Suds” Nankali with a final score of 57. Congratulations! In second place, with a final score of 76, is Malkovich Malkovich! In third place, with a final score of 80, is Darius Stormcrow!
As a final treat, here is Suds’ complete portfolio from this cycle. She will be immortalized as ENTM’s first ever S-Rank Photographer.
Scenic Cycle’s galleries and judge’s feedback will be transferred to the Archives section of the website, so you can easily browse them again in the future.
Thank you all for being with us during the very first Scenic Cycle!